Heron UI is a user interface that uses the Heron Tracker to display detailed, colorful visual representations of topologies, including the logical and physical plan for each topology. Check out Heron UI Usage Guide for more information about various elements that UI exposes.

Building Heron UI

Heron uses bazel for compiling. This page describes how to setup bazel for heron.

# Build heron-ui
$ bazel build heron/tools/ui/src/python:heron-ui

# The location of heron-ui pex executable is
# bazel-bin/heron/tools/ui/src/python/heron-ui
# To run using default options:
$ ./bazel-bin/heron/tools/ui/src/python/heron-ui

heron-ui is a self executable pex archive.

Heron UI Args

  • --port - Port to run the heron-ui on. Default port is 8889.
  • --tracker_url - The base url for tracker. All the information about the topologies is fetched from tracker. Default url is http://localhost:8888.
$ heron-ui
# is equivalent to
$ heron-ui --port=8889 --tracker_url=http://localhost:8888