This guide provides basic steps at using and tuning the First Fit Decreasing packing algorithm in order to utilize the resources efficiently. This packing algorithm aims at utilizing as few containers as possible, thus limiting the overall resources used. The algorithm is based on the First Fit Decreasing heuristic for the Binpacking problem. The algorithm is useful in the following scenarios:
- The user does not know how many containers to use. This algorithm decides the number of containers to be used and thus the user does not have to specify the number of containers in the topology configuration.
- The user wants to minimize the resource consumption. The First Fit Decreasing packing algorithm uses a minimum number of containers in order to reduce the resources allocated to the topology. Note that for each new container, a stream manager process will be launched which will increase the amount of resources used. Thus, reducing the number of containers can result in further resource savings.
- The user expects that the provisioned per-instance RAM would be either the one specified in the component RAM or the default value. The algorithm guarantees that the placement of instances in the containers will never result in an allocation that assigns to one or more instances a smaller amount of RAM than expected.
To enable the First Fit Decreasing
algorithm, update the packing.yaml
file as follows:
# packing algorithm for packing instances into containers
heron.class.packing.algorithm: com.twitter.heron.packing.binpacking.FirstFitDecreasingPacking
The algorithm accepts as input the values of the following parameters:
- Component RAM
- Hint for the maximum container RAM
) - Hint for the maximum container CPU
) - Hint for the maximum container Disk
) - Padding percentage (
) - Component Parallelisms
Parameter 1 determines the RAM requirement of each component in the topology. If the requirement is not specified then a default value of 1GB is used. The First Fit Decreasing algorithm guarantees that the amount of memory allocated to a component is either the one specified by the user or the default one.
The parameters 2-4 determine the maximum container size with respect to RAM, cpu cores and disk. If one of these parameters is not specified by the user then the hint for the corresponding maximum container resource is set to the default resource requirement of 4 Heron instances.
Note that these values take into account only the resources allocated for the user’s instances. Additional per container resources for system-related processes such as the stream manager can be added to the maximum container size defined above. Thus, the algorithm might eventually produce containers slightly bigger that the boundary determined by parameters 2-4. The amount of the additional resources allocated to each container to account for additional internal Heron resource requirements, is determined by the padding percentage specified in parameter 5. If the user does not specify the padding percentage, then the system will use a default value of 10. In this case, after a container has been filled with user instances, an additional 10% of resources will be allocated to it.
Based on these parameters, the algorithm decides how to place the instances in the containers and how many containers to use. More specifically, the algorithm first sorts the instances in decreasing order of their RAM requirements. It then picks the instance on the head of the sorted list and places it in the first container that has enough resources (RAM, cpu cores, disk) to accommodate it. If none of the existing containers have the requires resources, then a new container is allocated. Note that if an the RAM requirements of an instance exceed the value of parameter 2, then the algorithm returns an empty packing plan. After all the instances have been allocated to the containers, the algorithm adds the per-container padding resources as specified by parameter 5. The packing plan produced by the First Fit Decreasing packing algorithm can contain heterogeneous containers. Note that the algorithm does not require the number of containers as input.
Configuring the First Fit Decreasing Packing Algorithm
The methods
com.twitter.heron.api.Config.setContainerMaxRamHint(long bytes)
,com.twitter.heron.api.Config.setContainerMaxCpuHint(float ncpus)
,com.twitter.heron.api.Config.setContainerMaxDiskHint(long bytes)
can be used to set parameters 2-4 when defining a topology.The
com.twitter.heron.api.Config.setContainerPaddingPercentage(int percentage)
method can be used to set the padding percentage defined in parameter 5 when defining a topology.
Here’s an example code snippet for setting these parameters when defining a topology:
// Set up the topology and its config
com.twitter.heron.api.Config topologyConfig = new com.twitter.heron.api.Config();
long maxContainerRam = 10L * Constants.GB;